Shekow Treatment & Rehabilitation Center is a level 3.3 ASAM PPR2 private substance use issues treatment office that additionally joins otherworldliness using the Islamic confidence standards to guarantee all-encompassing consideration is given to people and families looking for help from substance use issues and other basic psychosocial concerns. Our program is moored on the educating of the Islam confidence that directs the everyday tasks of the Irshad restoration program.
We offer a variety of administrations that are equipped towards aiding people and their families address their basic substance use issues just as work towards accomplishing healthy wellbeing and prosperity. At Irshad restoration focus we utilize best practices in the field of dependence treatment and recuperation arranged frameworks of care. We exceed everyone’s expectations to guarantee that our demographic re-incorporate back and become useful citizenry subsequently guaranteeing that they have the important abilities and capabilities to lead a satisfying professional life.